Milvus Milvus is an open-source vector database that suits AI applications of every size from running a demo chatbot in Jupyter notebook to building web-scale search that serves billions of users.


import os
from mem0 import Memory

config = {
    "vector_store": {
        "provider": "milvus",
        "config": {
            "collection_name": "test",
            "embedding_model_dims": "123",
            "url": "",
            "token": "8e4b8ca8cf2c67",

m = Memory.from_config(config)
m.add("Likes to play cricket on weekends", user_id="alice", metadata={"category": "hobbies"})


Here’s the parameters available for configuring Milvus Database:

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
urlFull URL/Uri for Milvus/Zilliz serverhttp://localhost:19530
tokenToken for Zilliz server / for local setup defaults to None.None
collection_nameThe name of the collectionmem0
embedding_model_dimsDimensions of the embedding model1536
metric_typeMetric type for similarity searchL2