Mem0 includes built-in support for various popular databases. Memory can utilize the database provided by the user, ensuring efficient use for specific needs.

Supported Vector Databases

See the list of supported vector databases below.


To utilize a vector database, you must provide a configuration to customize its usage. If no configuration is supplied, a default configuration will be applied, and Qdrant will be used as the vector database.

For a comprehensive list of available parameters for vector database configuration, please refer to Config.

Common issues

Using model with different dimensions

If you are using customized model, which is having different dimensions other than 1536 for example 768, you may encounter below error:

ValueError: shapes (0,1536) and (768,) not aligned: 1536 (dim 1) != 768 (dim 0)

you could add "embedding_model_dims": 768, to the config of the vector_store to overcome this issue.