Vertex AI

To use Google Cloud’s Vertex AI for text embedding models, set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point to the path of your service account’s credentials JSON file. These credentials can be created in the Google Cloud Console.


import os
from mem0 import Memory

# Set the path to your Google Cloud credentials JSON file
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "/path/to/your/credentials.json"

config = {
    "embedder": {
        "provider": "vertexai",
        "config": {
            "model": "text-embedding-004"

m = Memory.from_config(config)
m.add("I'm visiting Paris", user_id="john")


Here are the parameters available for configuring the Vertex AI embedder:

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
modelThe name of the Vertex AI embedding model to usetext-embedding-004
vertex_credentials_jsonPath to the Google Cloud credentials JSON fileNone
embedding_dimsDimensions of the embedding model256