What is Config?

Config in mem0 is a dictionary that specifies the settings for your embedding models. It allows you to customize the behavior and connection details of your chosen embedder.

How to Define Config

The config is defined as a Python dictionary with two main keys:

  • embedder: Specifies the embedder provider and its configuration
    • provider: The name of the embedder (e.g., “openai”, “ollama”)
    • config: A nested dictionary containing provider-specific settings

How to Use Config

Here’s a general example of how to use the config with mem0:

import os
from mem0 import Memory

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-xx"

config = {
    "embedder": {
        "provider": "your_chosen_provider",
        "config": {
            # Provider-specific settings go here

m = Memory.from_config(config)
m.add("Your text here", user_id="user", metadata={"category": "example"})

Why is Config Needed?

Config is essential for:

  1. Specifying which embedding model to use.
  2. Providing necessary connection details (e.g., model, api_key, embedding_dims).
  3. Ensuring proper initialization and connection to your chosen embedder.

Master List of All Params in Config

Here’s a comprehensive list of all parameters that can be used across different embedders:

modelEmbedding model to use
api_keyAPI key of the provider
embedding_dimsDimensions of the embedding model
http_client_proxiesAllow proxy server settings
ollama_base_urlBase URL for the Ollama embedding model
model_kwargsKey-Value arguments for the Huggingface embedding model
azure_kwargsKey-Value arguments for the AzureOpenAI embedding model
openai_base_urlBase URL for OpenAI APIOpenAI
vertex_credentials_jsonPath to the Google Cloud credentials JSON file for VertexAI

Supported Embedding Models

For detailed information on configuring specific embedders, please visit the Embedding Models section. There you’ll find information for each supported embedder with provider-specific usage examples and configuration details.