Build a personalized Customer Support AI Agent using LangGraph for conversation flow and Mem0 for memory retention. This integration enables context-aware and efficient support experiences.


In this guide, we’ll create a Customer Support AI Agent that:

  1. Uses LangGraph to manage conversation flow
  2. Leverages Mem0 to store and retrieve relevant information from past interactions
  3. Provides personalized responses based on user history

Setup and Configuration

Install necessary libraries:

pip install langgraph langchain-openai mem0ai

Import required modules and set up configurations:

Remember to get the Mem0 API key from Mem0 Platform.
from typing import Annotated, TypedDict, List
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from mem0 import Memory
from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage, HumanMessage, AIMessage

# Configuration
OPENAI_API_KEY = 'sk-xxx'  # Replace with your actual OpenAI API key
MEM0_API_KEY = 'your-mem0-key'  # Replace with your actual Mem0 API key

# Initialize LangChain and Mem0
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4", api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY)
mem0 = Memory(api_key=MEM0_API_KEY)

Define State and Graph

Set up the conversation state and LangGraph structure:

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[List[HumanMessage | AIMessage], add_messages]
    mem0_user_id: str

graph = StateGraph(State)

Create Chatbot Function

Define the core logic for the Customer Support AI Agent:

def chatbot(state: State):
    messages = state["messages"]
    user_id = state["mem0_user_id"]

    # Retrieve relevant memories
    memories =[-1].content, user_id=user_id)

    context = "Relevant information from previous conversations:\n"
    for memory in memories:
        context += f"- {memory['memory']}\n"

    system_message = SystemMessage(content=f"""You are a helpful customer support assistant. Use the provided context to personalize your responses and remember user preferences and past interactions.

    full_messages = [system_message] + messages
    response = llm.invoke(full_messages)

    # Store the interaction in Mem0
    mem0.add(f"User: {messages[-1].content}\nAssistant: {response.content}", user_id=user_id)
    return {"messages": [response]}

Set Up Graph Structure

Configure the LangGraph with appropriate nodes and edges:

graph.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)
graph.add_edge(START, "chatbot")
graph.add_edge("chatbot", "chatbot")

compiled_graph = graph.compile()

Create Conversation Runner

Implement a function to manage the conversation flow:

def run_conversation(user_input: str, mem0_user_id: str):
    config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": mem0_user_id}}
    state = {"messages": [HumanMessage(content=user_input)], "mem0_user_id": mem0_user_id}

    for event in, config):
        for value in event.values():
            if value.get("messages"):
                print("Customer Support:", value["messages"][-1].content)

Main Interaction Loop

Set up the main program loop for user interaction:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Welcome to Customer Support! How can I assist you today?")
    mem0_user_id = "customer_123"  # You can generate or retrieve this based on your user management system
    while True:
        user_input = input("You: ")
        if user_input.lower() in ['quit', 'exit', 'bye']:
            print("Customer Support: Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day!")
        run_conversation(user_input, mem0_user_id)

Key Features

  1. Memory Integration: Uses Mem0 to store and retrieve relevant information from past interactions.
  2. Personalization: Provides context-aware responses based on user history.
  3. Flexible Architecture: LangGraph structure allows for easy expansion of the conversation flow.
  4. Continuous Learning: Each interaction is stored, improving future responses.


By integrating LangGraph with Mem0, you can build a personalized Customer Support AI Agent that can maintain context across interactions and provide personalized assistance.


  • For more details on LangGraph, visit the LangChain documentation.
  • For Mem0 documentation, refer to the Mem0 Platform.
  • If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us through following methods: