Get Memories (v2)
Get all memories
The v2 get memories API is powerful and flexible, allowing for more precise memory listing without the need for a search query. It supports complex logical operations (AND, OR) and comparison operators for advanced filtering capabilities. The comparison operators include:
: Matches any of the values specifiedgte
: Greater than or equal tolte
: Less than or equal togt
: Greater thanlt
: Less than
API key authentication. Prefix your Mem0 API key with 'Token '. Example: 'Token your_api_key'
Query Parameters
Filters to apply to the memories. Available fields are: user_id, agent_id, app_id, run_id, created_at, updated_at, categories, keywords. Supports logical operators (AND, OR) and comparison operators (in, gte, lte, gt, lt, ne, contains, icontains)
A list of field names to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned.
Filter memories by organization ID.
Filter memories by project ID.
Page number for pagination. Default: 1
Number of items per page. Default: 100
Whether the memory is immutable.
The date and time when the memory will expire. Format: YYYY-MM-DD