Add Memories
Add memories
API key authentication. Prefix your Mem0 API key with 'Token '. Example: 'Token your_api_key'
An array of message objects representing the content of the memory. Each message object typically contains 'role' and 'content' fields, where 'role' indicates the sender (e.g., 'user', 'assistant', 'system') and 'content' contains the actual message text. This structure allows for the representation of conversations or multi-part memories.
The unique identifier of the agent associated with this memory.
The unique identifier of the user associated with this memory.
The unique identifier of the application associated with this memory.
The unique identifier of the run associated with this memory.
Additional metadata associated with the memory, which can be used to store any additional information or context about the memory.
String to include the specific preferences in the memory.
String to exclude the specific preferences in the memory.
Wether to infer the memories or directly store the messages.
A list of categories with category name and it's description.
The name of the organization associated with this memory.
The name of the project associated with this memory.